Auricular Therapy - Ear Seeds, Essential Oils, All-Natural Personal Care Products & Copper Meditation Pyramids for individuals and children's well being.


Hi there, thanks for visiting! My name is Laurent, I was born into darkness, and I choose to live in the light. Out of the shear will to live, heal my Soul, and learn to forgive those that had caused me so much trauma, and pain I began my healing journey in 2020 after a near-death experience and multiple hospitalizations.

Having no religious background or upbringing, I had always been very spiritual in nature, enjoying the sunny outdoors, bodies of water, rocks and sand and often found gazing up at the stars and Moon. A free spirit at heart if you will; stifled by trauma, control and very dark energy. A beacon of light seen in the darkness of the vast deep ocean.

On the outside, my life has always looked peachy and privileged but what people don’t know is that I grew up in a very toxic household and into a family with tons of unsavory generational trauma. My childhood and how I was raised led to many different addictions, mental, emotional and physical health issues as well as many toxic friendships and relationships of all kinds. I always had a good head on my shoulders and a beautiful open heart, but something was missing; it was my identity and God given birthright to experience inner peace and joy.

I "wore a mask" my entire life until I was forced to take care of myself and make serious life altering changes, “a tower” or “wheel of fortune” moment if you will. Nearly dying, made me reevaluate everything, people, places and things! I cut family and friends out of my life completely, became a health nut, “gym rat,” and a woo woo hippie that meditated religiously, ate all organic homecooked meals, collected rocks, burned incense, journaled religiously and dedicated 2 hours every morning to my health and spiritual practices before starting my corporate job (I’m very much still this person today). Thanks, COVID 19 for helping me find myself over the course of 4 years stuck inside my house and to Big Pharma for almost unaliving me with one of your “trusty, fix all” pills.

Because of everything I went through and all the trauma symptoms I was experiencing over decades, this passion I have today for healing myself and others with Auricular Therapy, Health Foods and All-Natural Personal Care Products and Tools was born. I love talking to people and helping them help themselves by relieving/curing their trauma symptoms. I am happy to help anyone that is serious about helping themselves and that comes to me with an open mind. I cater to trauma survivors and people with mental health and substance abuse concerns or challenges. However, anyone big or small can benefit from my products and services.

I can go on and on, maybe I’ll write a book one day. If you want to learn more, book a consultation, personal event, corporate event, retreat or one on one session with me; please do when you are called to, don’t be forced into healing! I also collaborate with a beautiful and talented group of healers that can further help you on your unique journey. With love and light always.



Let's Talk

The first step in your healing journey is talking. Let's find a time where we can meet and talk about what's on your mind.

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